From brain to workflow

Know-How Templates


When it comes to making information available to factory workers in the workflow, three aspects are quite crucial: it must be immediately available, directly applicable in the situation, and relevant to the current work situation. The Knowledge Feed in conjunction with context recognition ensures that availability is guaranteed. But how do you achieve applicability and relevance?

Information becomes applicable when it can be quickly grasped and easily consumed, directly in the moment of apply. Content is always relevant if it supports the specific task of the employee in the situations where it is needed. In manufacturing, for example, an overview of the overall production process may be correct and important. But what is really relevant for the specific work steps at the machine are instructions for remedying failures or standard operating procedures for the correct setup of the machine for the customer order at hand.


In loop, applicability is ensured first and foremost by the fact that the content is available directly in the moment of need, e.g. at the concrete machine. In addition, a constantly growing library of so-called Know-How Templates ensures that the content is optimally represented for any purpose. No matter whether it is a step-by-step instruction, a maintenance task or a checklist: When creating content in loop, no one has to think about the appropriate representation; we always make sure that it works. You only have to worry about the much more important question of what the correct and really relevant know-how actually is.

Opinions sometimes differ on the approach towards that goal. On the one hand, from a quality management perspective, one wants to ensure that no incorrect or inferior content is made available. On the other hand, the required knowledge is sometimes so specialized that only the employees at the machine or long-standing colleagues have the necessary expertise. These, however, do not have the time to pass on this specialized knowledge. loop solves this dilemma: The Know-How Templates allow knowledge not only to be consumed quickly but also to be created conveniently, in principle by any person in a team, directly from the point of action.

Depending on the corporate culture, it is of course also possible to restrict the creation of helpful information to a specific group of people in the team. In conjunction with the problem reporting function in loop, the team can even help itself in cases where outsiders can only provide very limited support. And this itself can even lead to productivity increases of up to 25%.

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Production worker jobs can be highly unpredictable and specialized. The clout of teams on the shop floor is thus dependent on the ability to combine proven problem solutions and central know-how with the unique workplace knowledge of the team itself. With loop, this can be accomplished in your company as well.


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