Tap & Know.

loop brings knowledge sharing to NFC


Near-field communication (NFC) is a communication protocol between two electronic devices e.g. used in contactless payment systems or keycards and is being used on very short-range distances of a few centimeters. NFC is especially great because one of the devices doesn’t need to be powered at all which allows super-interesting use cases.

loop supports NFC and brings digital knowledge sharing into the real world: With a set of innovative features you can use any NFC tag as a means to share and distribute knowledge wherever you like.

Just tap a loop-enabled NFC sticker with you smartphone and loop is automatically* opened with exactly the knowledge needed.

NFC Lockscreen.png

Super-accurate spacial awareness

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Because NFC works at very short distances you can achieve super-accurate spacial awareness of exactly the right job-aids or know-how needed. Attach a NFC sticker on any object you like, create a new context in loop and provide hyper-relevant knowledge by assigning the NFC context to any relevant know-how.

While loop’s geo-fence technology can provide contextual support with up to 3 meters accuracy loop’s support of NFC brings it further down to mere centimeters. Just chose what’s best fitting to your use case.

Another advantage of NFC contexts compared to their geo counterparts: You can assign the same context on as many NFC tags you like. So even when they are distributed around the world, the context always stays the same and such is the knowledge provided.

And in case your device doesn’t support NFC, no problem: just create custom-QR codes directly in loop and achieve the same.


Knowledge on a sticker

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Open loop, create new knowledge, tap the NFC sticker and you have literally saved your knowledge onto the sticker. So, the next time a team mate touches this sticker, the information is already there!

Needless to say that even when somebody changes any information assigned to a NFC sticker it is always kept up-to-date. And since NFC stickers don’t require any power, they are working for many, many years.

And even if you are not around: Simply assign the NFC context to your asset from anywhere manually. So you can always be sure to provide the latest and best-fitting information without having to change the sticker.

Get loop NFC stickers

loop works with any existing NFC tag which is supported by your mobile device. But you can create you own loop stickers, too. If you like we send some stickers over to you to get you started. The first 100 teams will get them for free…


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* Note: Some smartphones require scanning a NFC sticker directly from the loop app. NFC is supported by the majority of Android phones and by all iPhones since iPhone 7. Some features are only available on newer iPhones starting with iPhone XS.