
loop is made in Cologne & Berlin


tts GmbH


The development loop is driven by a team of highly experienced product people from tts, the market leader and full-service provider for performance support, talent management and corporate learning. loop has been conceived on the basis of years’ of experiences from projects with our customers. Reliability, integrity and competence form the basis of our long-term relationships with our customers. We as tts and as the loop team cherish customer feedback and close collaboration which directly informs the future roadmap of our solution.


tts Knowledge Products GmbH

Schneidmühlstr. 19

69115 Heidelberg


T: +49 6221 894 69-0


Executive Directors: Bianca Beckenkamp · Ulrich Ude · Dr. Rolf Zajonc
Registered Office: Heidelberg · Reg. Nr. HRB 715920
Jurisdiction: Heidelberg
Sales Tax Identification N°: DE 813 674 420