Yes, we scan!

loop fully supports Barcodes and QR codes


Barcodes are everywhere around us. Not only in retail but everywhere where products, parts, and articles are transported, stored, and processed. And whoever is handling those objects is quite often in need for more information. Be it product info, assembly instructions, security implications,… what have you.

With loop you are now able to seamlessly make all relevant information accessible by just a quick scan with your smartphone camera.

And no, we are not just talking about loop-specific QR codes: loop supports pretty much all kinds of already existing barcodes. Which means that with loop you are now able to immediately make knowledge accessible even if the products are already found all over the world.

Previously, you would have had to take a link to relevant information, create a custom QR code, print it out, and attach it on the object. Which is very hard to do, if the objects are already scattered across the world. With loop you can skip this step altogether!

Scan EN.png

New context type: Object contexts

Object EN.png

Just a few months ago we have introduced the possibility to use NFC stickers as contexts in loop. And now we are adding Barcode support to the mix. This lead us to rethink the concept and decided to create a new context type called “object context” consolidating NFCs, Barcodes, and QR codes altogether.

So whenever you are creating a new object context you now have the possibility to choose whether you would like to use NFC-stickers, Barcodes, or your own QR codes or even a combination of all of them to provide relevant know-how.

We are calling it “object contexts” because it is very likely that you are using these contexts for actual, physical objects.

Using existing Barcodes

The process of creating a new context for an existing barcode is straight-forward:

  1. Create a new object context

  2. Choose “Scan existing barcode”

  3. Assign this new context to any loop content

The next time somebody from your team scans the barcode from the loop app, the relevant content is automatically shown topmost.

Creating your own QR codes

You can go one step further make the access to relevant content even easier, without even having to open the loop app at all! All you need to do is is generate a loop-QR code from the object context’s detail view, print that image and fasten it anywhere you like.

Granted, this only works if you can get a hold of the objects to attach the QR codes. But in the meantime you can still use barcodes.

As soon as somebody is scanning that QR code from the native camera app on his/her phone, it immediately opens loop with the relevant content shown topmost. (Oh, and by the way, the same can be done with NFC stickers, too, of course.)


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